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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Old Posts

So our 8th Grade Play is this week! Are you coming? You should! It's going to be.. interesting haha. Our play is Beauty and The Beast. The showings are 7:30 PM at Heilman Hall (IDK how to spell it) Tuesday (March 3rd) and Thursday (March 5th). I'm excited to get this play over with. I was always so excited to do the play and it was fun at first. But then it got boring, around the time when we were done all the props a month before the play and had to work on something even though there was nothing else to do. Then it got really really boring last week. Like I almost prefer school over having all day play. 
As I predicted pre all day play it would be fun on Monday. And by Tuesday we would be totally done with it. Like seriously, the play is so boring now because we've rehearsed it like, three million times. But it'll be different because we have an audience. Okay, so here's the casting, I hope I remember everyone.... 
Nikos Casto as the Beast 
Joshua Engelke (IDK how to spell your last name SORRY JOSH) as the Prince 
Caroline O'Hagan as Madame Rondeau (the mom) 
Emma Reuter as Isabelle (Beauty's sister) 
Faith Tracey as Marguerite (Beauty's Sister) 
Serena Boyesen as Stella (Beauty's Sister) 
Lance Casto as Greedo (Isabelle's husband) 
Zachary Lambertus as Graspo (Marguerite's husband) 
Kevin Buss as the Clock and Grungyo (Stella's hubby) 
Coleman was going to be Grungyo but he left the school -_-
Fiona Hogan as Princess Macy (the beachy princess)  
Anji Cooper (aka Me) as Princess Avide (the flirty princess) 
Ursula Friesen as Princess Garnett (the quiet Princess) 
Weston Trautmen as the Old Beggar (the guy who casts the curse) 
Layne Trautmen as Louis (the servant) 
Winston Roth as the chair 
Maurice as the hat rack 
Michael Loeb as the rug
Hannah King as the painting 
Ryan Needle as the magic mirror
George Divincent (how do you spell your last name? Sorry George) as Brutus (the dog) 
Atticus Boatman as the Rose Guardian 
Camryn Buss as Beauty 
Dara Rogers as Helen (the Housekeeper) 
Krista Debow as Princess Richelle (the other princess) 
Tenzin Wade as Wolf #1
Matt Tygensen as Wolf #2 
Yates Pendleton as Wolf #3
Andrew Carr as the Captain 
Colin O'Hara as Lt. Fort
And I think that's all, sorry if I forgot you! 
Anyway, I can say pretty much every line from the play word for word- does that show how many times we've rehearsed it? 
Aside from the play looming up, SPRING BREAK IS THE WEEK RIGHT AFTER. So I've been trying to loose some weight for it and have bee going to G-Fit as many times a week as possible. I actually almost forgot about G-Fit yesterday when I woke up so I had to get ready REALLY fast. I'm so excited to be going down to St. Kits, it's in the Caribbean, if you didn't know. Also, if you haven't read my last posts, I'm going down to St. Kits in a private jet with my family, some family friends, Fiona and Zia's friend, Sammy. It's going to be so much fun minus the part where we can't use our phones with service unless there's Wi-Fi. I really hope there's Wi-Fi in St. Kits. Also Fi and I are going to try and vlog daily and take a bajillion pictures maybe some vlogs will go up on YouTube and pictures on my blog. 
If you didn't know, when I set plans, I like them to be in stone. When Fiona sets plans? They're in Jello at best. She changes her mind a lot and I find it annoying to an extreme. We were all excited to go shopping this weekend for spring break but on the day she decides oh, yeah, I don't wanna go. UGH! I forced her to anyway, bwahaha. But then she was in a bad mood about it. So I gave her the silent treatment until she stopped being so miserable. She did end up buying a lot of stuff though. 
I actually only bought two things three, if you count top and bottom. I got a bikini set from Aerie and shorts from American Eagle. AND THAT WAS ALMOST ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Talk about over priced. I did go to Starbucks though. 
So apparently I'm way behind on the news and just this week I found out about the 'Secret Menu' at Starbucks, so I decided to try something off it. I tried the Cotton Candy Frappicino, It was good,  I'm not sure which I prefer, that or caramel, probs the caramel. 
AND MY DAD BOUGHT ALEC A BED AT THE APPLE STORE! THANK YOU! Alec really wanted a bed. If you were unaware, Alec is my beautiful and beloved MacBook Air. I bought him this summer and am typing this post off him. Yes. I like to name things. Stop Judging me. Stop it. STOPPPPP. Even though I would've liked a Vera Bradley case, I quite like the black case that I got, it matches the rest of my devices now. 
Oh yeah! and we got SUSHI last night!  If you know me, you'd know that I ask for Sushi literally every night. It's my favorite food. If I were to only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would most definitely be Sushi. To all you sushi haters out there, why? Just, why? 
And before I forget, MY BUBBLE TEA SUPPLIES CAME ON FRIDAY! Since then I have made at least three maybe four cups of bubble tea for myself. It's actually not as addicting when Im drinking it,  but when I'm not I really crave it, I have no idea why. Fiona thinks that the bubbles have heroin in them because she's convinced I'm addicted to them. Haha. 
See you next time, 
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Our final performance for Beauty and the Beast got cancelled. First it was a snow day today and the play MIGHT happen but then it was moved to tomorrow This morning when I heard the play might be cancelled I told myself it wouldn't and if it did I would probably cry. So then it was moved to tomorrow.... and then we got a late start tomorrow. Now there's no final performance for our play. Which seriously SUCKS.
I can't even put into words how upset I am that the play got cancelled. I literally spent just about three months working hard on this play and now it's cancelled. You know you have had too much snow when students start not wanting snow days and late starts. Not many people came to our performance on Tuesday because of the bad weather. I'm pretty sure most people were planning to come tonight, but that got cancelled so they planned to come tomorrow. But nooooo that got cancelled too!
Ugh. There are so many reasons I'm upset about this. The main one being that we worked so hard on it and hardly anyone saw it. Another, more conceited reason is that you know only one person besides my parents told me that I did a good job? My own sister didn't even see my play and I saw all three of hers. This one might sound weird but now we'll never get a feeling of closure? Like our last play was yesterday but we did it thinking we were going to have one more performance. I was told that the last performance was the most fun because you know you're done. But we're not going to get to do that now.
Sorry, this post is just me complaining about how upset I am that the play got cancelled. But I just felt like ranting, more.
I feel really bad for Caroline. She's upset about the play being cancelled, too. Her dad was plannign on coming on Thursday and she's one of the main roles of the play. As you might recall, I was ready to get the play done with in my last post but it was actually more fun with an audience. Like it was still boring, but I liked having an audience better than not. I was actually almost looking forward to tonight's performance slash tomorrow's.
I know other people in my class were upset about the play ben cancelled because adults were offering to give rides through the snow just so we could do our last performance.
It just isn't fair! Every other class got to successfully do their three performances but do we? No. Apparently even the weather hates our class. I know, I know, Life isn't fair, blah, blah blah. But seriously, we spent THREE MONTHS working on the set, lines and everything and I've been waiting SEVEN YEARS to do this and I get cut short a performance. My apologies if I sound whiny in this post, but I'm just really upset about this. Upset is really the only word I can use because I'm pissed off and sad at the same time.
Also, our cast party is seriously going to suck. One: we never finished our play so it won't really feel complete. Two: We'll be in UNIFORM and it'll probably be really short because we have to destroy the set first. Three: We'll have to be quiet because other classes will be in CLASS.
I just want to do my last performance :(.
At least I got my roses. If you didn't know, my favorite flowers are roses, peonies and lilies and I've been hinting to my parents that I really wanted roses. They gave me roses tonight even though I never really finished the play....
Well, bye, gotta go listen to sad music and cry in a corner.

Incase you were unaware, our eighth grade play has a showing this Friday in Heilman Hall at 7 P.M. You should come, especially if you didn't see the actual sowing of the play. Even though I messed up multiple times during that dress rehearsal, it would still be pretty awesome if we got an audience. Like at least a slightly large audience. Especially since practically no one came to our performance Tuesday evening.
So anyway, if you can come, great! That's really all I have to say for this post, my post or posts on Spring break should be coming soon :) 

Jeez, when was the last time I posted something on this blog? Feels like its been ages. Sorry about that, I've been busy lately. So we had a four day weekend and horribly sadly its ending tonight. I really don't feel like going back to school. I don't know, actually, I do. After eight years I definitely feel done with BACS. I had the time this weekend to write an actual post maybe even that promised long post(s) on my wonderfully amazing vacation to St. Kitts. (That, unfortunately had to end, too.) But did I put time aside to do it? No. Why is the title to this post 'Laziness at its finest'? Because ever since Saturday night I've been addicted to Supernatural. Don't know what Supernatural is? It's a TV show from 2005, actually, it's still going. Apparently I'm not the only one who finds this show addicting. Seriously, I've watched over three and a half seasons in two and a fifth days. That's pretty impressively lazy, huh? I have problems with getting obsessive with things, mostly books and TV shows. Literally all I've been doing Sunday and Monday was watching this addicting Tv show. It's a problem, I know. Confession? I'm watching it right now. I also did some homework, but I've been feeling really useless and lazy because I wasn't able to do what I planned on doing this weekend. I didn't finish my book (been in a reading stump and this ultra long book is just making me drag my feet whilst reading it) and I did't make any good blog posts. So I decided to get over a little of my laziness and make a blog post over my super random life.
What else can I talk about? Oh! On Friday I got my graduation dress! It's a little, okay, it's gigantic, but we're going to get it fitted to me soon. On Wednesday (after G-Fit) I'm going to get one of the three dresses fitted to me so I can wear it to my cousin's wedding.
Actually, I wasn't completely lazy this weekend, I went to G-Fit on Saturday. I didn't go today though :( I was too busy with my homework. So yeah, I missed a chance to not be lazy this weekend... Ugh.
Is there anything else to really say besides me stressing how lazy I am? Uh... can't think of anything. So...
Peace out,

Sorry for picture blurriness, obviously I didn't take it. 
Hmm.. What happened since the last time I posted a WHOLE MONTH AGO? (sorry about that, to say I've been busy would be an understatement) The answer to that question? A whole freaking lot. Where to begin? Did I talk to y'all about graduation yet? Well that's coming quickly and it's just around the corner. Yeah, I'm actually graduating this year. The thought that comes into my head about that is FINALLY. Seriously, I've been in BACS long enough. If you want to come to my graduation it's at 11 (I think...) at the Bryn Athyn Church School on June 6th. You should come! It's a boring ceremony but it means a lot to the graduates *smiles sweetly*
My BIRTHDAY was last month! I turned fourteen on the 22 of April :D I'm not sure how I feel about the whole bing fourteen thing. I still wasn't used to be thirteen. You may be wondering, what did Anji get for her birthday?
This year wasn't a big year for presents, but I'm very satisfied with what I got. Usually I have a specific thing I want for my birthday but this year I realized I'm pretty satisfied with what I have. There wasn't anything I was dying to get. Though, I am really happy that I got a Jambox. It's nice having a portable speaker :D As a gift my parents also offered to buy shelves for my room, which may be more costly than we originally thought.
See, my dad and I went to Ikea the weekend before my birthday and looked at shelves. We realized that the studs in the wall are so close together that it'd make the shelves (trusses?) be weirdly close together. So now we're considering getting me another bookshelf, but if you've seen my room, you'd know there's no room at the moment for another. We'd have to completely rearrange my room which would mean having to buy new drawers for the other side of my bed, also. Actually, I wouldn't mind moving my bed away from the wall a bit, it would make making the bed 900% easier.
The school year is drawing to a close, which is weird because I can remember my first day in 8th grade like it was just yesterday. As a team bonding experience, the 8th Grade Girls go rock climbing every year. If you were unaware, I have a devastating fear of heights. For a long time before this rock climbing trip I was sure I would 'splat.' Climbing the wall for the first time was very  nerve racking. It felt like hours. I don't know how long I was actually climbing the first time but... There was a place where I was like 4 feet close to the top and I froze. I was the first person to make it up that wall and the second in my class (very close to first) to make it up the walls at all. I ended up climbing the wall five times and making it up four. The one time I didn't make it up was when the wall was slanted outwards and by then my limbs felt hideously enflamed. I tried that wall again. And I made it up. Then I was done with it. Rock Climbing was a fun experience though I'm not sure if I'd want to try it in my free time.
On the wedding topic? My cousin's wedding was this month. I'd been looking forward to it FOREVER. And it was a lot of fun. My dress is shorter than the pictures make it look, I swear. We drove up to Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania for the wedding. It was about forty minutes away from Bloom, but I didn't really mind.
The wedding was really beautiful and the reception was well thought out and enjoyable. I thought it was very interesting seeing a Christian wedding as of the fact that at the moment, I'm New Churchman (Swedenborgian is the official name but hey New Churchman sounds better)
Ballroom Dancing started too, but I think I'll get to that in another post because, jeez, I need to post more.

"Better to stay in the gray than get eaten by the dark."
-Ruby Elizabeth Daly
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
As you may have red in my last post, my birthday was in April. Recently-ish I had my birthday party. It was a lot of fun. We did pretty much the same thing as last year, Sushi then Cold Stone then a sleepover. I had Camryn Buss, Serena Boyesen, Ursula Friesen, Dara Rogers and Fiona Hogan over. It was a little awkward because it was mostly a dinner party and Serena is on a specific diet,Ursula and Dara aren't the biggest fans of seafood and Camryn only likes a few things. So really, during the dinner Fiona and I were the only ones really enjoying ourselves, which was making me feel bad. Serena's meat came out too raw so she had to send it back to be cooked again, but after that I think she was fine. Camryn ended up choking on seaweed in the Sushi, Ursula didn't like what she got (ordered something else) and Dara, she came later so she isn't in the picture.
Awkward in the picture how everyone looks effortlessly gorgeous and them I'm just there like... hi.
After dinner was Cold Stone, which I felt a little awkward about, too because, Serena's diet. Luckily everyone else was able to get something. At Kyoto (my favorite Sushi restaurant ever) they figured out it was my birthday so they came down with a big drum, sang happy birthday to me and gave me a free ice cream dish. Rather embarrassing, actually. I was laughing the whole time in embarrassment. When we got back to my house, we all went into my room and just hung out for a while. Serena knows how to do this muscle testing thing so we had a lot of fun seeing what people think and things they didn't know about themselves. Once Dara came over I opened presents. Camryn got me this really cute dress from Forever 21 that I wore on ballroom dancing week 4 (look below.) It's an extra small, which I was shocked to find fit me. Then we played a few stupid games. Watched a movie and fell asleep watching the movie. The next morning I felt super bad because Fiona had to leave due to a migraine. She is now banned from sleepovers at my house for the time being. Ugh.
The next morning Dara left (Serena had left the night before) and Camryn and Ursy were the only two remaining. We ended up shopping at the mall for the excellent mother's day mall sales.
From the mall, I bought two white strapless dresses from Charlotte Russe, heeled boots (on sale because they were out of season!) and oh yeah, a crap load of things from Bath and Body Works.
Remember how I had that post about a flashback to Ballroom Dancing? Well ballroom dancing is back! Well, it's about to be over but I'll write a little about it anyway. Some people don't like it, but I find ballroom rather enjoyable. We've learned the Cha Cha, Tango, Jitterbug and uh one I can't remember and this friday we're having the final dance which is two hours and we have to dance with the 7th Graders. Not that I'm complaining, it's just the majority of the boys in that class are the same height or shorter than me... and I have an affinity for heels.
Mother's Day was this weekend! And guys, I decided to work really hard on Mother's Day. All Saturday I spent getting my mom' gift ready. I made two scented candles, scented soap and a exfoliating sugar body scrub (IT REALLY WORKS). If you want soap or body scrub I'm thinking of starting to sell it, so... And trust me on this one, they smell amazing and work great. Mother's Day was a little disappointing since mom was tired all day, but that's okay.
I've found some new friendships in the last months or so, too. I've befriended my old friend, Atticus Boatman recently. He's a really cool guy, a lot of fun to talk to and willing to listen. Camryn, Serena and I are becoming friends.
So I'm trying desperately to think of new topics to talk about, like I can think of them when not blogging but when blogging? Totally blanking. Sorry guys! I'll write soon (graduation is just around the corner)
Ballroom Dancing Week 1


"You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it all one day at a time. You try to walk in the light."
-Daniel Altan Wing 
Legend by Marie Lu
Jeez I haven't posted one of these in a while, I'll try to get back on that. 

Hey Anji! Remember you have a blog? Oh crap. Whoops! Sorry, guys! I've been busy! So.... I'm graduating this week! I know, I know, middle school graduation is nothing compared to college and high school and all that chip, but hey, at the moment it's kinda big for me.
I know, in a year or years I'm going to look back at my blog and be like wow, I was such a dweeb and I thought I was cool. Heh, no. Like now, I look back at my old videos and stuff and I'm just like "Why, past Anji? Why?" Like I know that even now my taste in fashion sucks (Emma, I still don't know what a blazer is???) but back then. Oh dear. Why, Anji, why? 
I can't believe graduation is this soon, yet at the same time, I can. Like I can totally tell that I'm feeling done with school because I took four plus hours tonight to pump myself up for the last two sentences on my homework. Also, I'm just ready for a blissful summer. I'm ready for my break. I'm also totally feeling done and read to leave BACS.
At the same time... I don't want to leave (yet I really do). If you know me, I'm not really into change. And leaving Elementary/Middle School and going into High School is a really big change. All the sudden THIS WEEK I've started to feel nostalgic. Previously I've just been totally ready to leave but now that I'm actually leaving.... I don't know, I have mixed feelings.
Last Friday was May Day Play Day slash Field Day. That was fun like first through fourth grade for me. Now it's my least favorite day of the school year. Actually, it was, because-- NO MORE FIELD DAYS FOR ME! YESSSS.
Last Friday was also awards. If you were unaware (which you probably were because I didn't want to tell anyone incase I didn't get it) I really wanted the Academic Award. So this year I upped my game in my academics.
Our school gives out three big awards: Academic, Charity and Outstanding Student (I don't like the name). The Academic Award, if you couldn't tell from the name, goes to the student with the highest grades. Two academic awards are given out to a girl and a boy.
The Charity Award is given to students who go the extra mile to be nice and well, charitable. I knew I was never going to get that award, haha.
And the Outstanding Student (still think the name sounds pretentious) Award goes to a mix of charity, good grades, leadership, and all the stuff people should look up to in a person. That was really horrible grammar, sorry, guys
If you were unable to guess by now- I GOT THE ACADEMIC AWARD!!! Okay that was my little time to cheer. I almost cried before because I didn't think I'd get it and then I almost cried after because I was so happy. Thankfully, I didn't. The whole school was in that room.
The boy who got the academic award is Nikos Casto, which is a surprise to no one. That guy is brilliant.
Then for the Charity Award, no boys received it but two girls did- Hannah King and Dara Rogers.
Outstanding Student? Zachary Lambertus and Caroline O'Hagan.
CONGRATS to all the other award winners.
Another newer award that got given out this year in a different awards thing is the Citizenship Award. The plaque for that is so nice. Camryn Buss and Atticus Boatman got those awards (no surprise there).
Atticus, if you're reading this, I'm proud of you.
So this is our last week here... ever. And at BACS, all the days in the last week are 'half days' like our fridays. I have a vague feeling this week will seem very short and graduation will be over before I know it. Like I mentioned before, graduation is feeling kind of bittersweet to me right now.
If you all can, come to my graduation! It's at 11 AM at the Bryn Athyn Church School on June 5, 2015. It'll be really cool if y'all come.
I'm really excited because Fiona is our class speaker, I'm sure she'll make her speech a lot of fun to listen to. Nikos is the boy's valedictorian.
As a graduation gift to my classmates, I'm making exfoliating sugar scrub bars, lib balm and soap. It's not much, but, jeez, the ingredients are expensive.
I was also really bored this past weekend so I made lemon raspberry cupcakes, caramel cupcakes and lemon raspberry cheesecake all from scratch. 
Except, I didn't actually want them so I gave them all away.
Why didn't I want them? Let's just say my bikini body isn't exactly ready for the summer that's already here. (my exact thoughts, "Lol what bikini body? Hint: there is and never was one.") 
Yeah, it's so bad I had to cut the picture.
Anyway, as I said before, this week is probably going to go by very quickly. Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with friends and then getting my hair trimmed. On Wednesday I'm staying home and crafting for my friends. Thursday I decided to go to lunch as my last lunch at BACS. Then Friday? Graduation! Graduation then graduation lunch and then pool party and then a dance party. And I'm getting distracted so I'll just end the post off on that note :)


"Everyone gets the time they get together, and no more. Maybe we're not so different that way."
-Alexander Gideon Lightwood
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare


"You can only call someone crazy if there's someone else who's normal. Like good and evil. If everything was good, then nothing would be good."
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

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