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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Random Stuff About Me

As my first post I talked about myself but I'm bored so I decided to make a more about me post because I'm sure you all want to know. My full name is Anji Mei Cooper
pronounced On-ji May (I'm from China hence the weird name.)
I was adopted from China by my parents David and Sherri on March 17, 2002. The only reason I remember that date is because it is also St. Patricks day. You see, I'm good with dates like book and movie releases and my friends' birthdays but I can never remember my parents' birthdays or my house address. I have one sibling, Zia Mei Cooper, we share a middle name, how awkward. Zia is two and a half years older than me, she's currently in her sophomore year of high school and we're complete opposites. Where she likes sports I like reading and writing, where she prefers netflix I again, like reading more. She also has no idea what a blog is and I own like twenty three blogs so if I didn't know what one was there would be something supremely wrong with me. Where I'm more concentrated on my academics, she's more interested in sports, stuff like that. Zia and I also don't get along very well, we get into arguments a lot. I have two cats, Nix and Lily, they're siamese cats which is what my mom had when she was a kid. I don't have that big of a family compared to other people, where some people have hundreds of cousins I have seven, mom and dad's side. I have two cousin's on my mom's side, Austin and Andy, I don't really know them that well since there's a pretty big age gap. On my dad's side there's Anders and Ivan Croft, Meagan and Ryan Cooper and Ethan Cooper. Again, don't really know Ethan that well because of the age gap. Meg is a year younger than me ad Ryan is like two or three years younger then me, I can't remember.
Anders is Zia's age and Ivan's my age which is really convenient, we go camping with their family every year and spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together. There isn't really much contact out of that since Anders and Ivan never really seem to text back.
I went to preschool at Apple Cheeks and had three best friends there, Amelia, who was a year older than me, Colin Drennan who is my age and Timothy Moxey who is also my age. Colin and Timothy were actually my two best friends in preschool since they were the same age as me, but Amelia and I were good friends and I was really sad when she left preschool. I remember Colin always liked to brag about he was a whole quarter of a year older than Timothy and I. I'm not in contact with any of them anymore which is kind of sad but, well, can't really do anything about it. I remember having a crush on Colin when we were little. Yes, four-year-olds can have crushes. I was friends with this girl named Brooke, too, she was my shadow in preschool, I remember she liked to follow me around a lot and copy me, which annoyed my four-year-old self sometimes.
For my kindergarten year my mom had a sabbatical in Maine, so for my first year of school I went to it in Maine. My best friends there were Amanda, Laney, Sophie, Nyx, Lillie, Tristan, Isaac and Cooper. Cooper Hogan, it's funny because his name is a combination of Fiona and my last names. Please ignore the fact there was a Nyx and Lillie. Ah Maine was a fun year. I remember Zia and I went slug hunting, I took a ceramics class, a glass making class along with other things. We lived on Oars Island with a massive amount of property. The beaches around where we lived were rocky ones, but I didn't mind. There were some really bad snow storms in Maine, but they were used to it, so our school had a gigantic generator, we had hardly any snow days. Once a storm was so bad we had to leave our house in the jeep, drive out into the woods around the road and stay at a hotel. I remember it snowed near Easter time and I made a snow bunny. The snow wasn't really snow man (or bunny) material, it was an icy snow that was better for sledding. So whenever I stuck an ear on the bunny, an eye fell out and whenever I stuck the eye back in somehow the ear fell off.  In Maine I was on every sports team a kindergartener could be in, which was cross country and basketball. My favorite was definitely cross country, I loved it.
First Grade was kind of hard for me, it was in a different school, in a different state, with completely different people. The boys were insane, loud and rowdy and the girls were very... different from the ones in Maine. I was the 'new girl' in first grade even though I had lived in Bryn Athyn before Maine. I stuck by Ursula a lot of that year because I knew her. I also became friends with Camryn Buss, Emma Reuter, and Sophie Bostock that year. Camryn turns out was that person who lived down the street from us with the bikes always in the driveway. When our parents first tried to introduce us at the Bryn Athyn Pool we were both so shy we didn't want to talk to each other. But later, Camryn was staring down at the pool where her torpedo was and I ask her if she wanted me to get if for her and our friendship blossomed from there. I'm not exactly sure how I became friends with Sophie and Emma I just remember it happening.
Not exactly sure when I'll continue this very stimulating story of my life but stay tuned! ;) 

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