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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ballroom Dancing 2014

Ballroom Dancing week 2 (Caroline: left Me: middle Fiona: Right
Ballroom dancing was so much fun! I really enjoyed it. At first I was really scared and nervous, I'm not really sure why, oh yeah, it's because I suck at dancing. I was afraid I would break somebody's toes or something. I literally stated hyperventilating before the first dance. It's not actually that bad. Like I said before, I really liked it. It was really fun, and anyone who was there when I slapped Fiona- I DID NOT SLAP HER THAT HARD THE SLAP JUST ECHOED! Okay now that we got that through. My favorite dance would have to have been the last dance, it was longer and really fun. Though, some people were more fun to dance with than others. *Cough* After the last dance Yates, Coleman, Layne, Winston, Fiona, Camryn, Faith, Emma, Dara and I went to Nifty Fifties for milkshakes and stuff. I'm pretty sure Yates freaked out our waiter a little too  much.
Tip for all you people going to ballroom dancing- don't use baby powder. Everyone says to, I don't know why. One you'll probably get white handprints on the boy/girls outfit and I'm not sure how the boy would take it but I can tell you the girl won't like it. Also both of your hands are going to sweat. Deal with it. The dress shopping was really fun too. I got most of my dresses at Forever 21. They have really nice dresses for only like $22. Now here's a tip for all of you who say you can never find anything good at Forever 21 (Females) that is the biggest BS I've ever heard. You just really have to look through the racks, sometimes the good clothes are hidden in between things and stuff. Not all the good clothes are on display. Seriously, that store would have to be a lot bigger if everything was on display. The funny thing is, if you're freaking out about how you look, no one cares except for you. Another tip for ballroom dancing is to brush your teeth before you go or/and use breath mints or something. You really don't want to be dancing with someone when you have really bad breath, it's just not a good experience for either of you. ALSO talk. It doesn't matter what you talk about, but it's a whole lot less awkward dancing if you are talking about something. If you're a horrible dancer like me and a naturally shy person just bring up something like the weather. Haha just kidding, that's just grasping in thin air and it's obvious. Maybe talk about how bad you are at dancing, or something.
The first week was really frightening for me, Fi and I got ready together that week and Zia did my hair in a heart braid. If you looked at the top of my head you'd see a braid in the shape of a heart. Like I said before, I was FREAKING OUT before that dance. The second week we got ready for dancing I got ready with Care and Fi. Care was nice enough to curl my hair, look at the picture, isn't it pretty looking? I wish my hair was naturally curly. She also was nice enough to do a waterfall braid. I love Care, she's so good with hair, make up, nails and everything beauty. Unfortunately she had to rush to get ready so she never again went anywhere to get ready.  I remember we were all sitting in a row, Care blow drying my hair, and then me blow drying Fi's hair while Care curled my hair and then me straightening Fi's hair while Care continued to curl mine. It was a rush but fun.
The third week I got ready with Dara and Ursyboo. We.... uh.... locked Ursula under my bed for like a half an hour. My bed has drawers, so yes, that's possible. The pictures were difficult because in almost every picture Ursy was doing something weird. For week four I just got ready with Fi. She didn't want to be in a picture so..... I'm with Zia... Week five was so much fun except for I left those five idiots in my room for a half and hour and they SEVERELY messed up my room. That may not be a big deal to all of you, but I'm a clean freak, Care even calls me on her phone Anji OCD Cooper. So I freaked out, especially when I found MELTED CHOCOLATE on my bed, Ursula.
The last dance was SO much fun. I loved how much longer it was and dancing with the eighth grade boys was a lot of fun, too.
I would write more but I have to study for a test tomorrow, study some French and then other things to do(Secret Sister gift). Sorry guys! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow! Xoxo

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